Concrete wall panel is very popular building materials for modern construction.We usually received a lot consultancy for wall panel and its production. To order to make more client understand concrete wall production, here We list some .
FAQ for wall panel Extrusion Machine
Q:Land required for setting up the plant?
Q:Can we cast 2 Line slabs in single bed? Slab Size as per our drawing is L 2420 mm X W 412.5 mm X T 50 mm with 20 mm hollow core & 7 Nos 3 mm wire.
A:Yes, can, one machine can make two slabs
Q:How much length we can cast per day for above mentioned size?
A:1248meter = 1.3*60*8*2
Q:Total no of casting bed required?
A:5 is enough
Q:If we are casting slab in a bed today, when can we cast another slab in the same bed?
A:Curing time : 30-48 hours
Q:When can we cut the slab after casting?
A:After curing
Q:What are the complete list of machineries required for casting slab & column?(Like, Slab & Column Extrusion Machine, Tensioning machine, Batching Plant, Cutting Machine, Crane). Please mention if any other machine require which is not mentioned.
Loader , for feeding concrete aggregate
A:How to move the machine from one casting bed to other?
Pull manpower , or lifting using Crane. Two man can move , with wheels, handle
Q:How much manpower required for the above operation?
A:Generally speaking ,6
Q:Electricity consumption qty per set of machineries?
A:HZ25 standard batching plant 40KW
Slab machine: 4KW
Column machine :4.5KW
Cutting machine : 4KW
Crane (5TONS): 8 Kw
Tensioning machine:1.1KW
Total: 63.3KW
Q:What is the life of Extrusion machine?
A:5 years
Q:Water Cement Ratio?
A:30% cement , water ratio depending on the concrete ratio
Q:Is there any specific mix design procedure? We require M40 Grade concrete for both Column & Slab?
A:M35 is oK. M40 strength is better
Q:Whether compaction of concrete will happen properly with low W/C ratio?
A:The W/C mainly affect strength
Q:Whether we can use admixture in concrete or not?
A:Of course
Q:Is there any time limit for Mixing of concrete to Pouring of concrete in machine hopper?
A:No time limit
Q:Curing procedure? By deep curing in water tank or curing by hessian cloth?
A:Natural Curing , curing by hessian cloth?
Q:How to cut the slab & column?
A:Dry cutting ,with water
Q:Life of Cutting blade?
A:We have quality blades . Common blade cut 1000PCs
Q:Is there any breakage will happen during cutting of slab?
A:May be , depending on the workers’ skills
Q:How is the surface finish of slab?
A:Depending on the materials Graininess
Q:What is the quantity of anchorages require for holding HT wire?
A:One wire need a achorages
Q:Life of anchorages?
A:Cycle use
Q:What is the spare parts requirement for running the machine? We require list of wear and tear parts machine wise.
A:Steering the lever,Vibration switch,Power switch,Working light,Power outlet,Hopper,Vibrator,Gearbox,Beam,Electric distribution cabinet,Steering wheel
Q:What is the minimum curing period?
A:30 hours , different temperature
Q:Machine will automatically move in the bed at the time of casting or someone has to pull the machine?
A:Automatically moving
Q:How much accuracy we can maintain for thickness and width of slab? Whether the slab is completely straight? Whether we can get same section throughout length of slab? Here section of slab is 412.5 mm X 50 mm.
A:Width mm ;thickness: mm ; completely straight; width is fixed; thickess can be adjustable
Q:What is the maximum diameter of HT wire we can use in slab?
A:6mm is enough , suggest 3 mm or4 mm
Q:What is the minimum thickness of slab we can cast with this machine?
A:Once machine can make one sizes
Q:What is the Delivery schedule of one set of machine?
A:25Working days
Q:What is the testing procedure for checking the strength of slab & column?
A:Using concrete strength tester
Q:Whether you can make arrangement for setting up the plant & training at our site?
A:Yes. After delivery
Q:Is there any machine for making 300 mm diameter pile of length 900 mm for column fixing?
A:Solid or hollow core ?